Forums - My expert analysis on "tier rankings"!!!! Show all 112 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- My expert analysis on "tier rankings"!!!! ( Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:22:2001 02:27 AM: I believe it's the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my life. Besides bullshit characters or "extras" servebot, is a prime example of this because he is alot more inferior to everyone else in terms of vitality, and strenghth!!! Basically this means I believe any character with at least remotely average rates of vitality and strength and speed have a chance. This meaning I feel a Dan/Zangief/Hayato team, If put into the hands of an expert at this game, who also has an IQ of like 200 or something has a chance of beating, an expert of a beamer type team. I believe anything is possible, and virtually any character has a chance to win if in the right hands. You idiotic tier rankers, and the people who believe in it are all gonna spontaneously combust, when I use a team of so called "lower tiered characters to win B5, including Duc Duc Goose.!!! You will all cower before me, with skills like mine the word tier doesnt apply P.S. Put on cherry scented lip gloss, so Cable's prick can easily slide in and out of your mouths. You all disgust me, you should all be ashamed of yourselves. Omega Red Guru's agenda is to save you all. Posted by [SoA] O.V.82 on 04:22:2001 02:35 AM: thatīs 100% my opinion, too. Itīs possible to win with every character u like. I hate the sucking tier rankings, itīs stupid to think that Cable is on Tier 1 and for example Cammy tier 3 or 4. This SUXXX!!!!!! Itīs depent of the skillz of the player if they will win, or not. Posted by Pastries on 04:22:2001 02:37 AM: fuck, where's dasrik? Posted by LastGod VT on 04:22:2001 02:44 AM: a hayato/dan/zangief team would never ever win agaisnt a decent sentinel/storm/blackheart i dont care what you think... its NOT possible to win with all the characters if the people playing are on the same skil level. It hurts my head to see that people actually believe they can win with hayato.... >_< Posted by [SoA] O.V.82 on 04:22:2001 03:28 AM: quote: Originally posted by LastGod VT a hayato/dan/zangief team would never ever win agaisnt a decent sentinel/storm/blackheart i dont care what you think... its NOT possible to win with all the characters if the people playing are on the same skil level. It hurts my head to see that people actually believe they can win with hayato.... >_< u suck Posted by Naslectronical on 04:22:2001 03:33 AM: Hayato/Dan/Zangief are all horrible characters, and will stay that way. That team can't build meter for shit. Once any kind of trap is started, there isn't jackshit that any of them can do about it. And they all lose terribly to keep away. Nobody in their right mind would ever lose to that team. Hell, Guile/Jill/Sakura would own that sorry excuse for a team for free. If you were have a few of your buddies hold your opponent down, then you might actually have a chance. Fuck it, you'd still lose. Those characters are so terrible. Posted by Crusader on 04:22:2001 03:36 AM: I hate your avatar Pastries. It gives me a feeling of hopelessness for some reason. Posted by TalbainEric on 04:22:2001 03:42 AM: So true. I really don't care about who is top tier or not. It just matters on what you think or how you play them. And this is kind of off topic,but a couple of days ago,I lost my mind and actually tried a Dan/Roll/Servbot team. And I lost big time. Posted by Dasrik on 04:22:2001 03:45 AM: Um, saying that an expert Hayato can beat a scrub Cable is like saying a Navy SEAL armed with a spoon can kill an ordinary civilian armed with a Magnum. DUH. Pit the same SEAL against another SEAL with a Magnum and I'll give you three guesses as to which one gets the 21-gun salute (first two don't count). And if your pathetic ass even shows up to B5 (which I doubt), we'll all get a good laugh out of any SHGL regular thoroughly humiliating you. Duc? He's way out of your league, boy. And be sure to bring plenty of Vaseline to B5, because you WILL be molested in the boys' room. End. Posted by tempest on 04:22:2001 04:03 AM: i don't even think duc would try hayato/dan/zangief team and and omage chump would pretty much get snot beat out of him {if} he showed up at b5 { which i doubt} peace Posted by BlackShinobi on 04:22:2001 04:47 AM: You are acutally right Omega Red Guru, but once again you come off sounding like an asshole, making people disagree with you just because of how you present yourself Did anyone else notice the team shoto matches in the multimedia section. Quite frankly, I think anyone who can't beat a good top tier team with three third tier characters is sad, because it means that you gave up on your MvSF and MvC teams for the characters everyone else was using. (what would your previously killer Wolverine think of you now?) Posted by dj-b13 on 04:22:2001 04:58 AM: hehehehe.... Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:22:2001 05:24 AM: I think I'm bringing heat to B5, I have more than an ample amount of people who hate me. P.S. It's not my fault I'm the best, and I own all you bitches. Posted by BlackShinobi on 04:22:2001 05:35 AM: Omega red guru this is what makes top tier characters see if you can argue this quote: Originally posted by BlackShinobi Okay here is the deal with top tiers all top tiers have some easily expolited gimmick, it's the thing that makes them "cheap" Cable - ahvb Sprial - wall of sword(trap) Blackheart -, Inferno XX HOD and the last goes on this is also why ironman should top tier IMO anyway just because you play character well that doesn't make them top tier they are only top tier if they have a certain automatic advantage over the other charaters in the game. You can't make Chun-li top tier because she has nothing that can be easily exploited This is the reason why players with great kens end up switching to doom because some random bum keeps AHVBing them to death. It's doesn't take as much skill to win with top tiers because the character make up for that lack of skill. I'm not saying that top tiers are for scrubs I'm saying that you would have to work a lot harder for a win with Spiderman/Charlie/Morrigan I'd be damned if was going to type that thing over again It's not that Dan can't beat Cable, it's just that Cable is more equipped for the fight? Posted by Yumi Saotome on 04:22:2001 06:41 AM: The chances of Hayato/Dan/Zangief beating any decent team out there are very slim? Why? Because the game is very unbalanced. In MvC2 there are perhaps only 10-12 really good characters, with 10-12 other characters with good assists. The rest plain suck. Hence, the tiers. Although it is possible for Zangief to beat, say, Cable, it is HIGHLY unlikely, given equal skill. And the Shoto team isn't that horrible, Akuma and Ken are good assists, but Ryu is a weak character :-P. Posted by Las Vegas Pimp on 04:22:2001 07:15 AM: Ryu is awesome! - y2kev Posted by ShoFunaki on 04:22:2001 08:01 AM: Originally posted by BlackShinobi "Okay here is the deal with top tiers all top tiers have some easily expolited gimmick, it's the thing that makes them "cheap" Cable - ahvb Sprial - wall of sword(trap) Blackheart -, Inferno XX HOD and the last goes on this is also why ironman should top tier IMO anyway just because you play character well that doesn't make them top tier they are only top tier if they have a certain automatic advantage over the other charaters in the game. You can't make Chun-li top tier because she has nothing that can be easily exploited This is the reason why players with great kens end up switching to doom because some random bum keeps AHVBing them to death. It's doesn't take as much skill to win with top tiers because the character make up for that lack of skill. I'm not saying that top tiers are for scrubs I'm saying that you would have to work a lot harder for a win with Spiderman/Charlie/Morrigan" A character is top tier just for one move?Ridiculous. Posted by ID on 04:22:2001 08:12 AM: See..this is what happens when kids get a DC, some cool looking, worthless combos for certain characters, And Competition worse then the Computer. Posted by Iceman on 04:22:2001 07:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by ID See..this is what happens when kids get a DC, some cool looking, worthless combos for certain characters, And Competition worse then the Computer. Well said ID. BTW, Black Shinobi. I've beat people using Cable with Team Shoto. But I'm a better player. Give those players a month or two to improve and they'll beat my team shoto. Duc was definatly the better player in that fight you watched. Did Duc pick team shoto against Valle? No. I rest my case. Posted by That One Guy on 04:22:2001 07:37 PM: When I saw the name of the thread, I was thinking "This might be interesting." When I saw that OGR started the thread, I started laughing. The reason a "Top Tier" is a Top Tier is because they have a trap that keeps your opponent from touching them, and it's really hard to get out of, and because they have a certain combo or super that can change the outcome of the match. I think Iron Man can be top tier, but then he can't, you know? You CAN however, combo into the infinite, which can be comboed into a Proton Cannon in the corner. LoL! Anyways... I'm gonna laugh so hard if one of the sucky characters from MvC2 becomes top tier in MvC3 ( IF it should come out. No one knows for sure if it will, they can't say it is, but they can't say it isn't, either. ) They're also called "Top Tier" because they have a good chance of winning in a match... easily. Sure, you can win with a Dan/Zangief/Hayato team. It'll be really hard, though. This game is all a matter of mistakes, and how fast you can punish them. =) Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:22:2001 08:37 PM: I luv how you scrubs always disagree with me, too bad none of you stand a chance against me.. awww how sad. What a bunch of 13-15 year olds. P.S. If you are older than this, then you obviously rode the short yellow bus to school. Posted by Big Rex on 04:22:2001 08:54 PM: . Lets just wait and see what happens at B5. Posted by BlackShinobi on 04:22:2001 09:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by ShoFunaki A character is top tier just for one move?Ridiculous. Is cable still top tier without his AHVB? IS spiral still top tier if she didn't have her swords? Actually if she kept all of her other sword moves and she couldn't throw one sword at a time, is she still top tier? What if Doom's photons only worked on the ground? Except for Magneto,Storm and Sentinel the top tier is just average characters with one or two really good moves. If Ryu's air Shinkuu hadouken had the same propeties as cable'e AHVB everyone would use him instead. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:22:2001 10:18 PM: Alrighty then, OMG I actually have to agree with you partly. I hate the tier system and I wish it was more balanced. But lets face it. Certain characters can be exploited very easily and have an advantage over others. And about this team shoto thing. I personally wasn't impressed. Duc's Ryu got his ass beat and his Ken or Akuma wasn't going anywhere, therefore he simply threw the hell out his opponent. I don't know about the rest of you, but I tend to feel that is somewhat of a desperation move myself. I mean really you can do that with any character if needed. What it did get down to was that Duc was the better player. But I must add once again, OMG please shut the hell up. Posted by Naslectronical on 04:22:2001 10:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by Lord Doom Alrighty then, OMG I actually have to agree with you partly. I hate the tier system and I wish it was more balanced. But lets face it. Certain characters can be exploited very easily and have an advantage over others. And about this team shoto thing. I personally wasn't impressed. Duc's Ryu got his ass beat and his Ken or Akuma wasn't going anywhere, therefore he simply threw the hell out his opponent. I don't know about the rest of you, but I tend to feel that is somewhat of a desperation move myself. I mean really you can do that with any character if needed. What it did get down to was that Duc was the better player. But I must add once again, OMG please shut the hell up. I totally agree with you there. Duc is a few notches ahead of all the rest of us, so naturally, he can pick sub-par characters and win a few matches with them. But can Duc beat Valle with Ryu, Ken, and Akuma? Hell no! That match just came down to Duc being the better player. Posted by Huma on 04:22:2001 11:48 PM: well... being a man who plays hayato and zangief in a team its wonderful to know that i suck before i start. haha anyhow, tiers suck... but the character does take you partway. id say maybe %20 of the game is the characters (of course thats more/less if you play with sentinel or servbot). but the other %80 is all you brother! thats all i got.. feel free to berate me as to the contents of my team. PS - i think zangief can get out of some traps well... (the ones where guys need to be close) because he can throw the perpetrator (strider, spiral, ?) and becomes invincible. ...but thats just me Posted by AshramTI on 04:23:2001 12:08 AM: preach on brotha huma... want a new avatar? i can even do motion noow... Posted by DeathFromAbove on 04:23:2001 12:20 AM: Hmmm....with good assists, any character can get in and do some damage. But, some characters can do that without the use of assists. So they are considered better. And, of course, the characters that actually HAVE good assists should be considered better. That's why there are tiers. Henceforth, anything that ORG says shall be referred to as an ORG-ism. -DFA Posted by Optiks on 04:23:2001 01:28 AM: Listen to this: Tier Rankings Refer to 2 Expert Players of Equal Skill Of course a master Zangief player can beat a moron Cable, that's not in debate but that doesn't matter because when people are talking about tier rankings.. Tier Rankings Refer to 2 Expert Players of Equal Skill That is the rule. If you can't understand this then don't talk about tier rankings because everyone else knows this. This is the only way to ensure an intellectual, fair ratings of characters. Talk about "every character being good in the hands of an expert" is completely unrelated to this because everyone is assumed to be an expert at their respective characters. Referring to the earlier example, an expert Zangief player will always be beaten by an expert Cable player because Cable as a character has an inherent advantage to Zangief, namely his viper beams and hyper viper beams which keep Zangief far away where he has no damaging moves. Individual player skill has nothing to do with this. And now once more so you remember: Tier Rankings Refer to 2 Expert Players of Equal Skill Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:23:2001 01:38 AM: Iceman beats Cable one on one, and you guys still have Iceman in a lower tier than Cable, so you guys are contradicting yourselves. P.S. A safe yet aggresive Iceman beats alot of the so called top tier characters, not to mention Omega Red owns everyone when used with the right assists and i'm living proof of that, so now what? Posted by Cletus Kasady on 04:23:2001 02:04 AM: Yet another ORG-ism from the self-acclaimed B5 champion himself . How someone who resorts to nothing but talking trash then says "I'm living proof" can be anything but a joke is beyond me... - Cletus Kasady Posted by Huma on 04:23:2001 02:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by Optiks Listen to this: Tier Rankings Refer to 2 Expert Players of Equal Skill Of course a master Zangief player can beat a moron Cable, that's not in debate but that doesn't matter because when people are talking about tier rankings.. Tier Rankings Refer to 2 Expert Players of Equal Skill That is the rule. If you can't understand this then don't talk about tier rankings because everyone else knows this. This is the only way to ensure an intellectual, fair ratings of characters. Talk about "every character being good in the hands of an expert" is completely unrelated to this because everyone is assumed to be an expert at their respective characters. Referring to the earlier example, an expert Zangief player will always be beaten by an expert Cable player because Cable as a character has an inherent advantage to Zangief, namely his viper beams and hyper viper beams which keep Zangief far away where he has no damaging moves. Individual player skill has nothing to do with this. And now once more so you remember: Tier Rankings Refer to 2 Expert Players of Equal Skill i hope your not reffering towards me, cause that would be evil, mean, and highly uncalled for... OMEGA RED GURU - like the avatar... ASHRAMTI - speaking of which, i could use one soon, thanks! Posted by Strider_ShiedoShaw on 04:23:2001 02:33 AM: ....sigh.... Posted by Lord Doom on 04:23:2001 03:27 AM: here we go again. Posted by BlackShinobi on 04:23:2001 05:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by Optiks Tier Rankings Refer to 2 Expert Players of Equal Skill but my Ruby heart beats the little kids' Cable all the time so what if they just mash buttons Ruby heart must be top tier. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:23:2001 05:36 AM: In my point of view Ruby Heart is top tier, I can kill you with 2 air combos when I use her. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 04:23:2001 05:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by Cletus Kasady Yet another ORG-ism from the self-acclaimed B5 champion himself Hehe...glad somebody liked that... -DFA Posted by ELLwarriors on 04:23:2001 06:15 AM: Omeag Red Guru, do you ever shut up? Seriously, I speak for a lot of people who find your so-called "greatness" that destroys everybody incredibly annoying. Just shut the fuck up. please. All I know is that when some scrub hands your omega red's ass to you on a silver platter at B5, I'll be one of the people laughing the hardest. Posted by Limp_Bizkit666 on 04:23:2001 07:06 AM: hahha, this is one of the reasons i haven't been to this forum in almost a month. i bet you and golden nismor were seperated at birth. ahhahaha full of shit idiots. lets play for money. (2809123021301023098448491248 pesos per game. that equals 2 dollars. hehehe, jk.) hahhaah die Posted by Ug the caveman on 04:23:2001 07:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Iceman beats Cable one on one, and you guys still have Iceman in a lower tier than Cable, so you guys are contradicting yourselves. I don't even know why I'm bothering here, but I'll say what I have to anyway. The tier rankings are based on overall ability. For instance, Felicia can give a Strider/Doom team a hard time. But since much of the top tier destroys Felicia for free (watch her try and fight Storm, it's funny), Felicia is ranked much lower (top of third, IIRC). And despite the fact that Felicia gives them a bit of trouble, Strider/Doom is still ranked as one of the best duos in the game, for their ability to molest 95% of teams when played correctly. Get the idea? Cable is ranked as top tier for his ability to capitalise on any mistake with a 100% combo. He has his bad matches, just like everyone else, but the fact is that there are heaps of people that can't do squat when they fight Cable. Tiers aren't rock-solid indications of which characters will win. They simply give an indication of which characters are better equipped to deal with the variety of tactics in the game. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:23:2001 04:50 PM: your right Cable does own alot of people. P.S. is their a non projectile character anyway near the top tier?? Posted by Stuc2K on 04:23:2001 05:02 PM: I don't like tier rankings, but to the statement about Hayato, he CAN be played to win if he has someone like, say Cammy, to cover his lag. He seriously has one of the top notch jump ins in the game which makes getting someone in the corner easy. And i'm sure you know he has some very hard hitting corner combos. At any rate, Dan/Zangeif/Hayato or whatever can't defeat a team such as Storm/Blackheart/Sentinel or something like that. As much as I wish they could, the game just isn't balanced like that. Storm can run from each of these characters all day and Blackheart can take them out when they try to get her. It just ain't happenin. Also, tiers constantly change. I remember way back when I used to rant and rave about Ruby Heart being a top tier character, no one bought into it. After Viscant used her in a tourney, people started seeing what I saw in her and now she's moved up in the rankings. I went on and on about how Tron Bonne was a top notch character, no one bought it. Now her tiger knee Bonne Strike and Bonne Strike xx King Kobun Cancel (alleviates the lag on her ground Bonne strike and is unescapable...can't even AHVB out of it). People discover new things for characters. There was even a time people thought Storm couldn't do jack crap, now she's the best. The game is severely unbalanced though...therefore tiers are made. Posted by BlackShinobi on 04:23:2001 05:19 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru your right Cable does own alot of people. P.S. is their a non projectile character anyway near the top tier?? Juggernaut is the closest to the top. I don't count his earthquake as a projectile, although it is it's just a really bad one. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:23:2001 05:25 PM: Omega Red owns Juggernaut for free, not to mention he owns alot of projectile based characters, so doesnt that make him top tier? Posted by jedirobb on 04:23:2001 05:35 PM: dan i like dan - i dont like dan against cable ... hmmm lets consider projectiles..nah - we dont have to..about the best you could do is punch the guy playing cable next you in the neck & while he is down.. run over to his cable & do dans suicidal raging demon... you are going to die anyways - might as well make it on you own terms and look nice.. = ) Posted by jedirobb on 04:23:2001 05:38 PM: omega red omega red is good againt projectiles - not necessarily beamers.. so id have to say no - not top tier... = ) Posted by That One Guy on 04:23:2001 05:44 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Omega Red owns Juggernaut for free, not to mention he owns alot of projectile based characters, so doesnt that make him top tier? Omega Red is too reliant on assists to make him REALLY good. I like Omega Red, though. It makes my opponents mad when I jump over them and throw them elsewhere. HaH! About the Ruby Heart being Top Tier - It's hard to get in to combo on someone who mastered the trap. That's why I don't like using Magneto against a Spiral/Blackheart team. She's a good character, though. A little bit more speed would help... Iceman Vs. Cable - Good match. Just don't let Iceman get caught in the AHVBx3, or it's over... Posted by tempest on 04:23:2001 05:48 PM: how does omage red own top tier characters? and zangief is like big bulleyes for spiral, doom, storm, cable, iceman,sent, umm do i have go on? and i agree with doom "here we go again" , and reason why iceman is not up there cuz all he has is icebeams, and on good aircombo , and he takes hardly no blockdamge those 3 are only reasons why people use him if you have magento or storm you can rush him down ,and end him peace Posted by DarthSalamander on 04:23:2001 06:12 PM: quote: Originally posted by That One Guy Iceman Vs. Cable - Good match. Just don't let Iceman get caught in the AHVBx3, or it's over... Really? I would of never guessed . Posted by WeaponXtreme on 04:23:2001 06:13 PM: i say colossus is top tier Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 04:23:2001 07:04 PM: I think I speak for most of the people when I was this SHUT THE FUCK UP.. good god I've never heard so much idiotic rambling in all my life.not even diamond say anything that dumb Posted by jedirobb on 04:23:2001 07:22 PM: ya know... ya got a point there... = ) Posted by TS on 04:23:2001 07:29 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru your right Cable does own alot of people. P.S. is their a non projectile character anyway near the top tier?? Storm isn't REALLY a projectile character, neither is Magneto. Posted by TS on 04:23:2001 07:36 PM: 1. Characters aren't top tier for having one abusable thing. Hayato has combos that take off 50%. They're top tier because of how abusable the thing is, how practical, and what they have to help it. Spiral's teleport helps with her swords/assist trap, Cable's Viper Beams and Jump RH and Grenades help with the AHVB setup and contribute to general keepaway/harrassment. Doom's jump Fierce is good, his air combos are good, his assist is one of the best in the game, and he can build meter by himself. 2. If Ryu's tn Shinkuu Hadoken had the same properties as AHVB, he'd be good. But Cable would still be better (his fireballs aren't as good as Cable's beams (or MegaMan's Fierces, for that matter), he's a little slower, and he doesn't have that jump Roundhouse. Posted by DavestA on 04:23:2001 07:42 PM: OGR is the single most reason why I am looking forward to B5 Posted by TS on 04:23:2001 07:51 PM: quote: Originally posted by Yumi Saotome In MvC2 there are perhaps only 10-12 really good characters, with 10-12 other characters with good assists. The rest plain suck. Disagreed. Posted by Stuc2K on 04:23:2001 07:51 PM: Lmao...ditto, I hope he shows up with some "my Iceman owns Cable" crap...seriously though, if you call anything cheap, obviously you don't play in tourney atmospheres. Posted by Nicholas D Wolfwood on 04:23:2001 08:15 PM: your an idiot! i cant wait till Duc Do comes and kicks your ass 100 times over or as a moron like you would say "duc duc goose". ...dumass Posted by Huma on 04:23:2001 08:44 PM: OMEGA RED GURU RULES! dead ass... without him these posts would be a hell of a lot more boring i tell you! Posted by Nicholas D Wolfwood on 04:23:2001 08:54 PM: your right! his posts are so stupid theyre entertaining! Posted by MarkyMark on 04:23:2001 09:15 PM: Omega Red Guru, you're going to B5? This will be entertaining. And like TS disagreed, there are more than just 15 or so characters that people consider worthy. Servbot even has uses (Omega Red would have a hard time versus Servbot... Most characters do unless they've fought him bunches before). ...I should read more of this thread... Posted by Lord Doom on 04:23:2001 10:34 PM: This is quite entertaining. I enjoy hearing him talk nonsense. Continue please. Posted by Cletus Kasady on 04:24:2001 01:22 AM: I'm willing to bet he'll have a big crowd of fans at B5 shouting, "OR-G! OR-G! OR-G!" - Cletus Kasady Posted by BarrelO on 04:24:2001 02:13 AM: Sigh. ORG is at it again. Before I say anything, let me ask you one question. Do you even know what the accepted top tier is? If you can name five top tier characters BESIDES CABLE, I'll go on. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:24:2001 02:51 AM: Omega REd Guru says who's in what tier. Iceman is definitely top tier, with a capital D Megaman is also top tier Omega Red no question top tier Anakaris top tier Storm top tier P.S. these have become my top 5 characters, thus making them top tier. Posted by Iceman on 04:24:2001 02:59 AM: ORG, I guess 1 out of 5 isn't that bad Posted by Lord Doom on 04:24:2001 03:23 AM: Well for me, the top tier is anyone in the game. But of course the accepted top-tier is Storm, Cable, Magneto, Cyclops, Spiral, BH, Sentinel, Doom, and Strider with the possibility of an Iron Man joining soon. Posted by Ug the caveman on 04:24:2001 05:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Iceman is definitely top tier, with a capital D Iceman is at the top of second tier. The reason being, he is a shallow character (he has two viable strategies - turtling and going for his Arctic Attack AC). Thus, he tends to be very predictable, and when you've fought one good Iceman, you've basically fought all good Icemans (Icemen?). His inherent abilities still make him a worthwhile character, but he's still not top tier. He also suffers from a lack of mobility - he's got a fast dash, but that's it. No double jump, no air dash, no teleport, no flight, etc. IIRC, the only top tier character that doesn't have at least one of those (most have two) is Cable, and I think everyone knows why he's top tier by now. quote: Megaman is also top tier I hate this little bastard...but no, he's not top tier either. He has some nice stuff going for him, but he simply doesn't have enough. Rockball is good, Mega Busters are worthwhile, Tornado Hold is passable, and his AC to Hyper Megaman is decent for starting DHCs (if you ever manage to land his launcher). Admittedly I don't play him, but in my eyes he's towards the top of second tier, and I don't see anything he's got to push him into first. quote: Omega Red no question top tier Now, Omega Red is my favourite character too, but he's second tier as well. There was a thread about his shortcomings a few days ago...actually, I think you've already posted in it. This time, go back and read every word, and hopefully you'll understand why he's not top tier. quote: Anakaris top tier Far from it. Anakaris is slow, has awful stamina, no good supers, poor assists, and is probably the easiest character to guard break. I used to play Anakaris too, but I gave him up since he's a waste of good toilet paper. Only thing somewhat worthwhile that I could find was superjumping and dropping tons of coffins, but that works for all of 3 seconds against someone who's seen it before. quote: Storm top tier Yes she is. Well done, have a cookie. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:24:2001 05:17 AM: YOU SAY ANAKARIS HAS NO GOOD SUPERS???? Uhhh. I cant wait to do two air combos, into his hyper cobra blow super which totals 60 hits. Bam you are dead. 2 air combos from Anakaris and you are singing soprano. P.S. this one combo takes about 70%, and he's not top tier??? What the fuck is wrong with you morons?? Posted by Iceman on 04:24:2001 05:34 AM: Welcome back Ug. Yell at me next time you're on ICQ ORG: Anakaris can kill you in two air combos, Yippie, want a cookie? Doom can Kill you in two combos (or come within a jab of doing it), Storm can kill you in two combos, Blackheart (especially with Cyclops) can kill you in two combos, Magneto can kill you in two easily (even do it in one), Cammy can kill you in two combos (Pryde claims one, I'm still looking forward to hearing what it is), Cable can kill you in one, Iceman can kill you in two, Bone-Wolverine can kill you in two, Sentinel can kill you in two, Iron Man can kill you in two easy (maybe even one depending on both luck and skill), Capt. Commando can kill you in two combos, Spiral can kill you in two "combos," Juggernaut can kill you in one, Colossus can kill you in two, Tron Bonne can kill you in one combo etc. To summerize that mess I just called a paragraph, it's not like you're doing anything special by killing someone in two combos. The majority of the cast can do it. It's how well can you set up those combos that counts. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:24:2001 05:49 AM: You dont even have to set up Anakaris's combo with an assist you can do it easily by yourself. You can also mummy wrap them into OTG from the corner which means instant death for you. That's why I say he is top tier, he can fuck blackheart up with the Hyper Cobra blow by itself because he is so tall and takes every single hit. Not to mention he hs good keep away and if played correctly can mummy wrap you in the air without you being able to do much about it. He can also rush down. P.S You say Iceman can kill someone in 2 combos, I want you to prove it. I'm not talking about with the help of assist characters. Just by this comment I know you are a scrub, and you will be sucking my penis after I win B5!!!! Posted by Iceman on 04:24:2001 06:05 AM: Who said anything about assists? The only character who I mentioned using assists with was Blackheart. Other then him, everything else was all by themselves. Wanna use assists? That just makes Magneto's 100% combos easier to achieve. BTW, for your Anakaris OTG combo, hope your opponent doesn't remember to roll Anakaris vs. Blackheart. Yeah, Cobra Blow is fine and dandy on Blackheart when it hits. Care to explain to me how you are going to trick someone into getting hit by it? Blackheart wins in rushdown, and keepaway. Next. Iceman air combo: crouching LK, crouching HK (launch), super jumping lk, super jumping mk, QCF+K, PP. The trick is, if you do QCF+K then quickly hit PP Iceman will cancel his "Ice Globe" animation into the Arctic Attack super. If Iceman gets the globe out, it won't work, so you need to be quick. This helps because Iceman will not float to the ground like he normally would, therefore getting more hits on his victum. I've seen this combo do anywhere from 45%-60% depending on how well one times it. No assist necessary. Glad I could contribute to your conquest of B5. Posted by Ug the caveman on 04:24:2001 06:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru YOU SAY ANAKARIS HAS NO GOOD SUPERS???? Uhhh. I cant wait to do two air combos, into his hyper cobra blow super which totals 60 hits. Bam you are dead. 2 air combos from Anakaris and you are singing soprano. P.S. this one combo takes about 70%, and he's not top tier??? What the fuck is wrong with you morons?? Hayato can kill you with two combos too. Hayato is one of the bottom 5 in the game. It's not a particularly unique ability, and when you throw DHCs into the equation, killing someone with two combos isn't that big a deal. The fact is that Anakaris has no good supers. 1. Pharaoh Illusion is useless. 2. Pharaoh Magic is beyond useless. 3. Banquet of the Coffins is useless. 4. Pharaoh Cobra Blow can do tons of damage in very specific circumstances which Anakaris can't set up easily. To do absolute maximum damage from the PCB, Anakaris has to have his back to the corner, and the opponent at point blank range next to him. It's not likely to happen. Anakaris can combo it on the ground for respectable damage, but there are countless other characters who can do easier combos to ground supers for better damage (eg. Iron Man c.LP, c.MP, XX Proton Cannon). He can combo to it in the air, but his launcher SUCKS, and even if he had Strider's launcher, there's no way he's going to be able to land it, since he's simply not mobile enough to get in a position to do so. And those aren't the only reasons why Anakaris isn't top tier, or even second. He's a fairly big target, but takes 125% of normal damage from attacks (check in DC training mode). He has generally slow and bad specials (Mummy Drop can be ducked and leaves him vulnerable, Cobra Blow has terrible recovery, Pharaoh's Curse is next to pointless without a Cyclops AAA, etc. Only good one is the Coffin Drop). In turn, his assists are mediocre at best. His normal moves are kinda funky but have low priority. And so on... Anakaris definitely has his moments, but IMO he's third tier at best. This is based on everything I know about Anakaris, and everything I've seen. The only viable tactic I can think of, off the top of my head, is to superjump and drop craploads of coffins on people, and that's only useful if your opponent is using certain characters who can't counter it, and even then it's a chance for them to freely build some meter and let their helpers recover. It also becomes completely worthless if they have a Captain Commando or Blackheart AAA. And that leaves Anakaris with next to nothing. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:24:2001 06:28 AM: Dude your information is so wrong and so incorrect, I have decided to put you on my ignore list until you actually play this game. Not to mention you dont even know how easy it is to set up the 70% Anakaris combo P.S that Iceman combo you suggested is so lame, I never want to speak to you again. <---- lol Posted by Lord Doom on 04:24:2001 06:37 AM: Dang thats kind of harsh. I myself like Anakaris. I think that he is deceptively fast. His air dash does have a lot to be desired and i tend to think that he floats too much in the air. But I do love his reach and overall speed of his ground attacks. Posted by Iceman on 04:24:2001 06:39 AM: Was that whole post aimed at Ug or myself? I know the "Iceman combo....lame..." part was aimed at me, but what about the rest? Learn to communicate. First "All your base" in the Stratagy forums, now you. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:24:2001 06:39 AM: This to me is his major downfall. If anybody can get a hold of him i.e. catch one of their more damaging combos on him, he is dead. You almost have to play perfectly with him to have a chance. Posted by Ug the caveman on 04:24:2001 06:54 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Dude your information is so wrong and so incorrect, I have decided to put you on my ignore list until you actually play this game. Nice rebuttal, dude. And even if you have managed to work out how to put someone on your ignore list, I'm still going to say this anyway: quote: Not to mention you dont even know how easy it is to set up the 70% Anakaris combo Picture this. Anakaris is standing in one corner. Sentinel is standing in the other. Sentinel is simply doing a standing fierce cancelled to QCF+LK, over and over again, and calling Blackheart AAA if you try to move. You tell me, how the hell are you going to break out of this trap (which, BTW, is one of the simpler traps and one of the easier to break) with Anakaris and land your "70% combo". Now tell me how you're going to break Spiral's wall of swords - and tell me what the hell Anakaris is going to do about Spiral teleporting away if, against all expectations, he somehow manages to get close. Then tell me how you're going to break Spiral's wall of swords when she's using a Doom assist as well. You're going to be facing that and more at B5 - Anakaris just isn't going to cut it. quote: P.S that Iceman combo you suggested is so lame, I never want to speak to you again. <---- lol Even though that wasn't directed at me, I just have to point out that the Iceman combo mentioned happens to be the most damaging and effective Iceman combo in existence. You think your Iceman is going to beat a good Cable, and you don't even know that combo? I was one of the few who wasn't flaming you, but I see now that you're completely beyond hope. Just maybe, after you get destroyed at B5, you'll see what everyone has been trying to say. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:24:2001 07:07 AM: Well, I'm done for the night. Peace y'all. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:24:2001 05:15 PM: Just because I said the combo was lame, doesnt mean i dont know it. Besides you guys are all stupid. You fail to recognize that I have played this game a million times. I've seen alittle of everything, and I get around it all. Posted by Jin Rules! on 04:24:2001 06:27 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Just because I said the combo was lame, doesnt mean i dont know it. Besides you guys are all stupid. You fail to recognize that I have played this game a million times. I've seen alittle of everything, and I get around it all. Hmmm, once again you expect us to realize you as the Christ of MvC2, yet you provide no proof whatsoever. Here's a question for you. "Why should we believe a word you say when you haven't shown a shred of credibility, and act like a scrub anyways?" The Japanese told us they had a killer Ironman, and we were like "I'll believe it when I see it". So they made a video, and now we believe it. This is how it goes ORG, if you want us to believe you then make a video. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:24:2001 06:35 PM: How do I make a movie?? Also, what equipment do I need? Posted by ID on 04:24:2001 06:38 PM: A video capture can find some real cheap. And a video editing program, like adobe premiere. Posted by TheRifleMan on 04:24:2001 09:38 PM: Way to say you can win with any character. Try zangief agains doom. Whoa jack shit he can do against a jumping photon. The key is having characters that can escape traps. All I get is trapped when I play, if I have someone who can't wave dash nor air dash, there's nothing to do but take block damage. It's not that some characters are bad, it's just that they're bad against certain other characters. Zangief rapes Hulk, Doom rapes Zangief, Wolverine rapes Dooom, anybody else rapes Wolverine ... and so on. Posted by LordLocke on 04:24:2001 09:59 PM: Well, I love those who hug the underdogs, but those who OMG that do it for the wrong reasons REALLY tick me off. Iceman isn't top tier. Cable beats his ass for free any time except 1 v 1, 20 sec or less on the timer, and Iceman's got a 25% or more lead. Magneto gets Iceman for near-free since one blocked icebeam at mid-range = Tempest Combo. Storm can run for free from Iceman, but I'm not sure if she can get chip on him while running, so she might have to fight Iceman for a bit, but Iceman can't stop Storm from rushing him down. Strider gets Iceman for free because of Doom. Doom gets Iceman for free as an assist (although Iceman does give Doom trouble on point), and Sentinal can pound on Iceman with Drones and fly-cancel. The only top tier which Iceman has a good fight against is Blackheart. Of the high-ranking second tiers, Iceman does well though. He's a common counter-character for Mega Man, and Iron Man can't do his run-away stuff on Iceman, forcing him to infinate or bust (Iron Man really works best if he can mix it up if one isn't doing well.) Psylocke can rush Iceman for free, but can't do any damage on him unless she has Doom or Sentinal as an assist. Cammy fares a little better because she's launch or bust anywho. However, Ruby rapes Iceman for free (Doom as an assist again), and Omega Red can simply wait for Iceman to do something then pull a Cable by punishing him with Strikes and Ground Coils. Omega Red has been covered in depth, but we can cover it again if we need to. His Omega Strike isn't nearly as safe as it used to be consitered, and his ground coils are pretty worthless against most of T1 (Only two I can think of that the coils would be great on is Mags and Strider) Outside those two, most of Omega's pressure is gone and he's gotta rely on getting close for some combos. And Omega, as far as I know, can't kill in two combos... even 3 is a stretch. Mega Man, IMO, is just barely short of T1 (Top of T2, still above even IM, although Iron Man is closing that gap every day) Right off a bat, he's one of the best characters to pray on assists, since his FP will take huge chunks of damage off an assist. He's a good counter-character for Cable and Blackheart, and he can catch run-away Storm via Rockballs. Magneto has to get past all the crap flying around, and teleporting is likely to wind up making Spiral/Strider appear in the middle of a projectile or assist (You gotta make sure that the appearing spot is clear before teleporting) Sentinal rapes Mega for free (Super armor=no stun), but Mega's pretty even with a lot of the top tier... just he doesn't have enough abuse to shove him into T1. He can fight with T1, but his experiance with lower tiers isn't as dominating as most of T1 is. Anakaris isn't even T2. He guard crush bait, AAA bait, rushdown bait... frankly, except for staying near the top of the screen, he's hard pressed to get his offence going. Sure, he's got that 300%, but you gotta LAND it first. Storm is on the dot. Good job spotting that one, OMG. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:24:2001 10:13 PM: LordLocke you say strider rapes Megaman, and you say lots of people rape Megaman with the right assist. But you are too stupid to realize that the person using megaman gets assit of their own, and have a brain of their own. P.S. My OMega Red and Iceman Rapes anyone when I use ther right assist. So what? Posted by Lord Doom on 04:24:2001 10:27 PM: Actually he said Sentinel owns Megaman. Hell a lot of the second tier can fight anybody in the first tier with the right assist except for Cable. I hate to say it, but one mistake against a good Cable with a a couple of levels will instantly throw the match in his favor. Posted by BarrelO on 04:24:2001 10:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru LordLocke you say strider rapes Megaman, and you say lots of people rape Megaman with the right assist. But you are too stupid to realize that the person using megaman gets assit of their own, and have a brain of their own. Actually, he said nothing of the sort. Go back and read his post again. quote: P.S. My OMega Red and Iceman Rapes anyone when I use ther right assist. So what? Would you be so kind as to tell us which magical assists make Omega Red and Iceman immune to AHVBx3, Strider/Doom, et al., and how we can selet them? Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:24:2001 11:07 PM: Ha, you want to know?? WEll fuck you, i'm not explaning anything else to you losers. Suck me<---lol P.S. Team Japan rules, fuck the U.S Posted by Xenster on 04:24:2001 11:52 PM: top tier.. bah calling mvc2 balanced is bull and everyone knows it. How are you supposed to even get close with hayato/dan/zangief against sent/bh or another lockdown or keepaway team? low tier characters are there for a reason, advertising hype. how are you supposed to get in with a slow, weak, low priority character like dan? It's just not possible.. this is just like thsoe canadians saying sean is balanced in 3s. Posted by Cletus Kasady on 04:25:2001 12:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru P.S. Team Japan rules, fuck the U.S Aren't you from New Orleans? Fucking dumbass bitch. - Cletus Kasady Posted by BarrelO on 04:25:2001 12:57 AM: Okay, I give up. I cease to find Omega Red Guru amusing. No longer shall I dignify his presence by giving him the attention he so obviously craves and doesn't deserve. Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 04:25:2001 01:00 AM: People just stop responding to this moron. he's the biggest dumbass I've ever seen Posted by LordLocke on 04:25:2001 01:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru LordLocke you say strider rapes Megaman, and you say lots of people rape Megaman with the right assist. But you are too stupid to realize that the person using megaman gets assit of their own, and have a brain of their own. P.S. My OMega Red and Iceman Rapes anyone when I use ther right assist. So what? Actually, I said Sentinal, and I said that Mega's even with almost ALL of T1, save Cable (actual, albut slim, advanatage to Mega... one of maybe three characters that can honestly claim that), Blackheart (Blackheart can't really fight against Mega's screen control, and if he takes to the skies, Mega can bitch him without getting in Demon range) and Sentinal (Who outrightly KILLS Mega Man)... the reason he's NOT T1 is because many of the higher-ups in T2 (Ruby, Iron Man/War Machine, Venom, Sakura, Omega, Samurai, and Iceman) ALL bitch-slap Mega Man. Notice that before OR and Samurai fell out of T1, Mega Man was consitered nearly T4. Watch the change as Samurai and Omega fall out of the top tier, and keep sliding... Now, in the CURRENT environment, I'd say Mega Man would be on par with Doom as a great character to splash into an already-solid pair, because by himself he can tackle a lot of T1, and add an assist that REALLY helps him (Blackheart, Sentinal) and you get even better. HOWEVER, as people start using more T2 characters mixed in, Mega Man will lose his usefulness... Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:25:2001 03:34 AM: I can agree with some of the points that you made LordLocke but you are down right wrong when you say Sakura and Venom beats Megaman. That's not even an argument, Megaman owns both of them for minimum wage. Posted by LordLocke on 04:25:2001 06:47 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru I can agree with some of the points that you made LordLocke but you are down right wrong when you say Sakura and Venom beats Megaman. That's not even an argument, Megaman owns both of them for minimum wage. Sakura vs Mega is a total washout for Mega. She'll sho-o-ken through both Mega Busters, a rockball, a inferno/Photon Shot/Molecular Shield assist, and not take a spec of damage and be a lot closer to Mega Man then Mega can handle... and Sakura is a LOT better up close then Mega is. Venom vs Mega is simple. Venom jumps and Venom fangs. The Venom fang arcs over the jumping fierce from Mega (part from the upward arc of the Fang, part from the higher jump of Venom), and tags the little bastard. Now Venom's up close, and once again, Mega dies. Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:25:2001 06:58 AM: Your wrong, but I like how you try to justify such blatant stupidity. I'm not even gonna argue with you. If you believe this, I have the right to call you a scrub. You say sakura is better up close?? Ever heard of a tornado hold trap?? Obviously you havent. LMao at Venom. I wont even bother explaining this one. Posted by Demroth on 04:25:2001 07:00 AM: Tier? who cares. I say play who you like. I like Servbot. I play Servbot. If I win its not cuz of Servbot but I like him anyway. And if I am using him I dont feel I have no chance, cuz I got the skills. It dont mater who I play. I work for a world where Shin-Servbot lives. Posted by Baby Bonnie Hood on 04:25:2001 07:07 AM: Exactly when the hell is B5? I hope that date flies by soon so we can finally stop hearing this crap. Oh, and ORG, I IS ARE WILL BE AM BEING GONNA OWNED J00 WITH ULTIMET CHAR BBHOOD LOL LMAO!!1 Posted by Mr. Smellypants on 04:25:2001 07:32 AM: ORG, you have some good points in your rant but most of them I have to disagree with. You say iceman should be higher tier because he beats cable 1 vs 1? Ok, assuming he does beat cable, it still doesn't make him top-tier. Hell, if top tier was all about 1 vs 1 then the wolverines would get knocked up to 2nd tier or above. Top tier is defined by 2 things imo- 1- They must have either a good abusable move or a good abusable assist. 2- (Most Importantly) They MUST have the LEAST possible amount of bad matchups. It doesn't matter if a particular char has 80%, 90%, etc. combos if they get totally raped by 1/3 of the MvC2 roster. Akuma has both a decent assist and can do 3/4 damage with just ONE combo but he's still bottom 3rd tier or maybe high 4th, the reason why is because his poor speed and stamina leave him with WAY too many bad matchups. Look at the 2 arguably best characters in the game - Doom and Storm. For the most part Doom and Storm have virtually NO bad matchups, there isn't anyone in the game who can totally OWN doom or storm for free. Thats why they are top tier. P.S. - I hope you goto B5, I'll be rooting for ya cuz Omega is a damn fine char who gets no respect. ^_^ Also I hope you draw golden nismor 1st round so you can shut his big fat yap. Posted by LordLocke on 04:25:2001 07:46 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omega Red Guru Your wrong, but I like how you try to justify such blatant stupidity. I'm not even gonna argue with you. If you believe this, I have the right to call you a scrub. You say sakura is better up close?? Ever heard of a tornado hold trap?? Obviously you havent. LMao at Venom. I wont even bother explaining this one. Tornado Hold trap? Wrong item, cuz. It's Rockball trap, and Sakura can charge right through it. And, for the topper, she can charge through the Tornado Hold too, so that really doesn't matter. And you're not explaining Venom because you can't, not won't. Just like you can't explain what assists Iceman or Omega use to kill the rest of the cast. I just stated it's simplest bit. You wanna go deeper, fine with me. 1) Common AAA for Mega is either Doom, or Blackheart. Neither will save Mega from Venom. Venom beats Doon AAA priority, and Venom's horizontal movement is too fast for BH. 2) If you have his other common AAA, Cable, it still doesn't matter because you'll have to call him early (As Venom will hit Mega in buster recovery), and if Cable isn't invincible, at worst the Venom Fang wlll trade hits with damage in Venom's favor, if not beat it cleanly (Both the Psischmitar and Venom fang have odd priorities. I've see the Psiscemitar trade hits but keep going, trade hits, or just get snuffed by the Fang...) Of course, that's assuming that Cable isn't pulled TOO early and whiffs all together. You have to guess the Fang, since once the buster is fired, you'll either have to stop Venom or eat Fang. And finally, 3) Wait for the high Buster to pass overhead, hop the low one or catch Mega dropping the Rockball with A Venom web. Da da dada, da da dada, DA... DA... DA! Posted by Drahktar on 04:25:2001 08:06 AM: I'm new to this board. and I have NEVER, in any board, seen more well thought out, complete rebuttals to absurd claims. Skill is not a factor when debating gameplay issues. If you want to factor skill into the equation, you have to play the game, not talk about it. Characters in the top tier have certain advantages that place them there, end of story. There is no denying this, that's simply how it is. I'm not going anymore into the tier thing, since it has been explained perfectly, multiple times, earlier in this thread. If someone brought my argument up earlier I'm sorry, I didn't have the patience to read through this whole damn thread. Shit people, sometimes you just have to admit your wrong. Posted by Tigard's Own Dr. Evil on 04:25:2001 09:33 AM: I'll just throw this out: Before CVS came out, I did okay with a team of Ken/Sakura/Mecha-Zangief. Where would people place this team, in terms of tier? MZ can escape lots of traps, even those damn Sentinel ones. I should also make it clear that when I play this game, I am a "purist", i.e. no cheap traps or aircombo nonsense. No Marvels or "cheap" Capcoms, either. Mostly I play Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Guile, Zangief, Jin, Sakura, and Cammy. So you can see why I "moved" to CVS when we got it in Portland. ORG, I only know half as much about the game as anyone in this thread, and even I know you suck. You suck hard and you suck long. I will be laughing at the vids they make of you in B5. Posted by Huma on 04:25:2001 08:45 PM: quote: Originally posted by Drahktar I'm new to this board. and I have NEVER, in any board, seen more well thought out, complete rebuttals to absurd claims. Skill is not a factor when debating gameplay issues. If you want to factor skill into the equation, you have to play the game, not talk about it. Characters in the top tier have certain advantages that place them there, end of story. There is no denying this, that's simply how it is. I'm not going anymore into the tier thing, since it has been explained perfectly, multiple times, earlier in this thread. If someone brought my argument up earlier I'm sorry, I didn't have the patience to read through this whole damn thread. Shit people, sometimes you just have to admit your wrong. thats not the point though... the point is to annoy as many people as possible... right OmRG!!!! Posted by Omega Red Guru on 04:25:2001 10:17 PM: You guys havent even seen the tornado hold trap yet. Lol I'll show you all at b5, not the rockball trap, but the tornado hold trap. P.S. Dont ever get in the corner, you wont ever make it out. Posted by dj-b13 on 04:25:2001 10:43 PM: alright, i'll c thattrap there @ B5 ... Posted by Mister Fixer on 04:25:2001 11:03 PM: The tier ranking system should be made into a team ranking system... It would take into account both characters and assist types... Lets see... How many combonations is that? (Head explodes) Posted by CapMaster on 04:26:2001 02:32 AM: Im new to these forums and Ive never played in a tournament before...But seriously, ORG, you need to shut your hole. You can go on all you want about how great your Dan/Hayato/Zangief is. But at B5 I hope Duc and Valle walk all over you. Hell if I only had an arcade close to me I'd challenge you now! I dont talk about if Im better or who sucks and who owns....I just wanna play people for the enjoyment of the fight. However, it appears you have been annoying people for a while ORG and somebody has to step up to the plate and put you in your place. (Remember your hearing this from someone whos never played in a tournament before) Posted by Lord Doom on 04:26:2001 03:58 AM: Hey, I say fuck tiers. Just use whoever the hell you want. Posted by Huma on 04:26:2001 04:13 AM: quote: Originally posted by Lord Doom Hey, I say fuck tiers. Just use whoever the hell you want. wow, like an mvc2 ghandi... noone can put it better my friend... noone. Posted by Mister Fixer on 04:26:2001 05:24 AM: Hmm... Interesting... Or not. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:26:2001 05:45 AM: I mean if you think that you can win with Iceman/Omega Red/Magneto/Cable what difference does it make as long as you win. All times are GMT. The time now is 11:57 PM. 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